How to Keep Carpet Fresh While Vacuuming

Keeping your carpets clean makes a big difference to your home. When your carpets are clean, they look good, smell good, and your whole home just takes on a much nicer ambiance. Keeping your carpets bright and fresh is a must for any home. Here, we detail steps on how you can keep your carpets always clean and fresh

1. Ditch the shoes

Make it a family habit to ditch the shoes as soon as you come in the door, and encourage your visitors to do the same. Wearing shoes in the house increases the amount of dirt and mess you track in over your lovely, clean carpets.

2. Add carpet protection

Adding an attractive rug in an area of your home that gets a lot of footfall will help keep your carpets clean. Of course, the rug will still need regular maintenance too, but taking up and deep cleaning a rug is a lot simpler than deep cleaning a whole carpet.

3. Use baking soda before you vacuum

You don’t just want your carpet to be clean, you want it to smell clean too. Sprinkling baking soda before you vacuum is a simple trick that will keep your carpet smelling fresher for longer. Sprinkle a light dusting of baking soda over your carpet, leave it to settle for a few minutes, and then vacuum as normal.

4. Vacuum regularly and well

Regular vacuuming is a simple way to keep your carpets cleaner for longer. You’ll see a difference in carpet cleanliness if you vacuum three times a week. Regular vacuuming picks up dirt and stops it from getting trodden in. There’s a trick to effective vacuuming — clean slowly. The higher the foot traffic in an area of your home, the slower you should vacuum, as a quick pass won’t necessarily pick up all the dirt.

5. Replace filters and bags regularly

Whether your vacuum is upright or canister, filtered, or a traditional bag model, keeping it in good working order will help keep your carpets cleaner for longer. Make sure you change your filter or bag regularly. If you don’t, your vacuum could lose suction and fail to effectively pick up dirt.

6. Deep clean twice a year

Nothing beats a proper deep clean when it comes to protecting your carpets and keeping them as clean as can be. Instead of waiting until your carpet looks dirty, make a twice-yearly note on your planner or calendar to give your carpets a proper deep clean. You can hire a carpet cleaner for the weekend if you want to tackle the job yourself or call in a professional for the best possible finish.

7. Deal with stains straight away

The longer a stain is allowed to set, the harder it’ll be to get it out. Prevent set-in stains by dealing with any spills or stains as soon as they happen. When mopping up your carpet, always blot. Don’t scrub as this could work the stain in deeper. If you’re dealing with solid dirt like food or mud, gently scrape it off with a dull knife.

By taking the steps above, you will be able to protect your carpets from dirt and stains and deal with any spills or muck as soon as they happen. These steps will also help you to maintain your carpets for longer and have them smelling fresh as you vacuum.