best robot vacuums with hepa filters

Today, 62% of American households have pets, most of which are cats and dogs, and they often shed hairs that leave allergens lying around our homes. If you have nasal allergies and pets, it’s best to consider getting a robot vacuum with a good filter system. In today’s standards, HEPA filters (the abbreviation of high-efficiency particulate air or high-efficiency particulate arrester), are the best you can have equipped in a vacuum — if you look at the most advanced vacuum cleaners and even air filters, this is the filter they use. Here, we highlight some of the best robot vacuum cleaners that carry HEPA filters for different budgets as well as a short review for each product. Read on to find the best robovac for you and your pets. 

  1. iRobot Roomba i7+

Best Overall

This is most definitely an expensive choice for your home, but it’s also the only robot vacuum on the market that can dump its dustbin load and continue working. When you spring for the i7+, you get the vacuum and the Clean Base where dustbin loads are stored. iRobot designed the Clean Base’s bags to hold up to 30 bins worth of debris before needing a replacement, so you can go for long stretches without cleaning up after your vacuum. One thing to note is that while the process of dumping debris into the Clean Base is super convenient, it’s also very loud.

  1. Eufy RoboVac 11S Max

Best Quiet Mode

A robot vacuum isn’t exactly quiet, however, some have been designed with a quiet mode so they won’t be as noisy. If your children are sleeping or you’re trying not to frighten your poor four-legged friend too much, then the RoboVac 11S Max is a great option to consider. Its quiet mode is one of the best while still having the power to suck up all that pet hair. It runs up to 100 minutes at a time, so it can tackle large sections in one cleaning. It still does a great job of cleaning, though, and it features 10 infrared sensors to detect obstacles and ledges. 

  1. iRobot Roomba 980

Ideal for pet owners

Popular with many users, the Roomba 980 is the perfect robovac for pet hair. The suction power of this robot vacuum is impressive and you can even control it via its app or Amazon Alexa, where you can view cleaning maps and a lot more. If the battery runs out, the iRobot 980 returns to its charging station, charges itself, and then continues the cleaning where it has left off. With numerous smart functions and from the house of the market leader — you can imagine that this robot vacuum can be found on the upper end of the price scale.

  1. Neato Botvac D7

Particularly powerful and smart

The Neato D7 also feels particularly comfortable in households with pets. Extra strong suction power and foresighted and smart navigation make it the perfect everyday-helper. The robot vacuum with HEPA filter is comfortably controlled via smartphone-app or Alexa. Via its app, you can draw No-Go-Lines and even save multiple floor plans — two unique functions to this product. In terms of price, the Neato D7 is also more up on the price scale. Nevertheless, it is still an absolute customer favorite.

  1. iLife V3s Pro

Most Budget-friendly 

If you’re looking for a reliable robot vacuum that consistently and reliably takes care of pet hair, then the iLife V3s Pro is the perfect choice for you. It’s the least expensive option on our list by a decent amount, and yet it has a decent battery life — up to 100 minutes on one charge. It isn’t as fancy as more expensive units, for example, it can’t map rooms, it doesn’t work with smart home assistants, and it doesn’t have an app to control it. To make it operate, there are physical buttons on the vacuum, or you can use the included remote control.

  1. bObsweep PetHair Plus

Best for Large Capacity

This robot vacuum is specially designed for people with pets. It has a large dustbin capacity of 1100mL, which is more than double the average size. This means it will be able to store more fur, dirt, and crumbs than others on the market. As far as robot vacuums go, it’s also on the cheaper side of the spectrum, while still providing a quality product. For instance, it can run up to 140 minutes before needing to recharge and also features a HEPA filter to trap 99.7% of pet allergens, which will help reduce sneezing in your home.

  1. Roborock S6

Best Battery Life

This robot vacuum can run up to 180 minutes and has the longest battery life of any of the devices on this list. That means it will keep cleaning for long periods and can tackle large areas. However, it also has a relatively small dustbin so you’ll need to empty it often (especially if you have a long-haired animal in your home) for it to clean effectively. This unit can be controlled in a few different ways, either by using Amazon Alexa, the Roborock app, or by pressing the physical buttons on top of the device.

  1. Samsung POWERbot R7065

Best Dustbin Removal

Robot vacuums operate more effectively when the filters and dustbins are clean. For this reason, being able to quickly empty out the dustbin and filter on your robot vacuum makes it more convenient to keep your device running effectively. Unlike many other companies that hide the dustbin, Samsung’s robot vacuum has a top-loading dustbin that pops out at the press of a button. This makes it so you can easily see how full of pet hair the container is without having to stop the device or open any lids.

  1. Shark ION R85

Best Suction

If you have a messy four-legged eater then you’ll want to consider the Shark ION R85. It’s a powerful device that can suck up a lot more debris than many other robot vacuums. It’s perfect for sucking up dry pet food and fur. It also features a larger-than-average dustbin that can hold up to 0.6 liters of rubbish. That way it will be able to cover more areas before needing to be emptied. You’ll be able to control this vacuum using the Shark Clean app. From there, you can also receive updates, notifications, and can set a cleaning schedule for your home.

  1. Eufy RoboVac 15C Max

Best Value

This is the ideal robot vacuum for pet owners who want something cheap but effective. It doesn’t include all of the high-end abilities of some of its competitors, but it does have built-in Wi-Fi and it’s great at sucking up pet hair. You’ll be able to control it using the EufyHome app, or by giving voice commands to Alexa or Google Assistant. It also has a good battery life of up to 100 minutes, which means it will be able to tackle large sections of your home in each go.