Best Robot vacuum on a budget

The idea of a robot servant going around your home and constantly cleaning your floors sounds like a high-end luxury. However, over the years, these automated floor cleaners have become very affordable. And while the huge names in the industry like iRobot are still very pricey, there are new alternatives that promise to deliver great value. That’s why we’ve reviewed robot vacuums at every price point — and through our research, we’ve found some exceptional low-cost models. They might not have cutting-edge technology, but not everyone needs the latest and greatest — especially if you’re looking for a robot vac to give you a small helping hand. So if you’re just looking for a model that will just work and the job done, read on to find out which model is for you.

  1. Eufy Robovac 11S

The Eufy Robovac 11S is the heir to the much-loved Robovac 11. This robot vacuum does its predecessor proud, offering excellent suction and improved navigation. The slimmer design allows the S to get its brushes into more places, while at the same time, the 11S picked up around 11.6 grams of dirt per run, which is more than what most iRobot models manage. We also noted that during operation, the 11S was quiet, rarely making enough noise to interrupt a conversation. The combination of good dirt pickup and quiet operation makes the 11S an instant favorite among robot vacuums.

  1. Neato Botvac D3 Connected

Many people have become big fans of the Neato D3 Connected. It’s an affordable robot vacuum that excels at dirt pickup and can clean just as well as robot vacuums that cost twice the price. It did especially well on pet hair. While it’s one of the price entries on this list, it also comes with WiFi connectivity. That means you can tell Alexa or Google Home to start vacuuming or you can start your D3 from your smartphone, anywhere in the world.

  1. iRobot Roomba 690

The Roomba 690 replaces the 650 as the entry-level offering from iRobot, one of the best-known names in the world of home robotics. As the most expensive model here, it adds WiFi connectivity and remote control with a smartphone app. That means it’s the most affordable connected robot vacuum from a major manufacturer. So why isn’t this superb cleaner our favorite? Well, it still has a few flaws. For instance, it’s based on the iRobot 650, which is rough on furniture, hitting the table and chair legs with 3.3 pounds of force in our tests. That’s hard enough to knock an item off the edge of a table. 

Find out more about the Roomba 690 here

  1. EcoVacs Deebot Ozmo 601

Jacks of all trades may be a master of none, but do they tend to be cost-effective — it’s here that the Ecovacs Deebot 601 stands as a shining example. It’s a combination robot vacuum and mop that handles both in stride. On average, the 601 can pick up a respectable 10.6 grams of dirt per run. While that isn’t the highest we’ve seen, even in this price range, it’s the only model that can also act as an automated Swiffer.

  1. Bobsweep Bobi Pet

The oddly named Bobsweep Bobi Pet (stylized as bObi Pet) comes with a ton of extras, including a virtual wall, a dry mop attachment, and a UV light on its underside that Bobsweep says can kill germs. All these goodies will cost you: The Bobi Pet is one of the more expensive robot vacuums in our roundup, however, it has received mixed reviews. While it cleaned 75 percent of the pet hair, it also got stuck on the edges of a doormat multiple times and required human intervention to get it moving again. We think that defeats the purpose of an automated cleaner, which is why we’re on the fence about recommending it.

  1. Yeedi K600

This no-frills robot vacuum is controlled by remote control and does a great job picking up debris from hard floors and low-pile carpet. If you have high-pile carpet in your home, though, it may not be a good fit for you. Furthermore, there’s no way for you to tell the Yeedi where not to go, so if any of your floor surfaces have steps or objects that you don’t want the robot vacuum to hit (pet bowls, puzzles, etc.), we’d recommend looking for a robot vacuum that comes with virtual or physical barriers. For a basic, effective, and affordable robot vacuum, though, the Yeedi is a great pick.

  1. ILIFE V8S Robot Vacuum

This cheap robotic hoover offers one convenient feature that others on this list don’t: wet mopping on floors. In addition to vacuuming your bare floors, this product can also mop them. You can now mop hard to reach areas under the furniture. Other handy features you’ll enjoy are push-button controls, base charging station, hands-free vacuuming schedule, and five cleaning modes; spot, auto, edge, path, and mop. With the five cleaning options, it can even clean pet hair that gets stuck. Another great surprise is that this product also includes a HEPA filter.

  1. PureClean PUCRC26B Robot Vacuum

The PureClean PUCRC26B has a HEPA filter that is essential for getting rid of particles that cause asthma and allergies in the home. If anyone in your house has trouble with these conditions, you’ll want to choose the affordable price and best robot vacuum that has it. It only cleans for about 55 minutes on one charge, and charging takes around 4 hours. That makes it best for smaller rooms and apartments. You do get several cleaning options, however, which include automatic, random, spiral, and edge cleaning.

  1. EcoVacs Deebot 900/901

A fantastic option, the EcoVacs Deebot 900/901 is equipped with some impressive technology. For starters, it has an exclusive laser navigation system that scans and maps your entire home. This allows the robot to craft an optimized cleaning path, saving both time and battery power. And most importantly, it has a three-stage cleaning system that works on both carpets and hard floors and picks up all debris in its path. Like most WiFi-enabled bots, the DEEBOT works with both Alexa and Google Home voice commands. In other words, you can kick back and enjoy some hands-free cleaning. 

  1. Shark Ion 720

The Shark Ion 720 is easy to use and does an excellent job at cleaning bare floors. Its navigation is excellent, as it detects furniture and obstacles such as electrical cords, and avoids bumping into them. It doesn’t get caught in rug fringe but if you have pets that shed and it gets stuck in a lot of carpets, you might want to think twice about this model. It struggles with loose fur for some time before suctioning it up after making a few passes.